5 Things That Make A Road Trip Great!
One of my favorite types of travel is a good Road Trip! My first road trip was with my grandparents cross country from Indiana to Washington (state). I was 15 with a drivers permit. My papaw was a former truck driver and taught me the "real rules of the road." We visited really cool places along the way like Mount Rushmore, Devils Towers, and Old Faithful. And we stayed in some not so cool places that my papaw remembered being different "back in the day."
My love for road trips continues to this day. I go any chance I get to explore places I've never been yet. Along the way I've found 5 things that make a great road trip.
#1 - The vehicle
Unfortunately the only state I know you can rent a JEEP is Hawaii. So, the perfect vehicle aside, if you are renting a car make sure you get one that meets your needs. Is it just you? Drive what ever you want, baby! (or what your bank account can handle...lol). If you have a family of 10 - you'll need a van. If you're going for an overnight, remember to take luggage space into consideration. When you get a rental double check everything and don't be afraid to take a picture before you get in to ensure you bring it back in better condition that you got it. Please and thank you.If it's your own car you love to take on a trip - get it maintenanced. Check the tires, oil change, all fluids to the top, no cracks in the window, and put all emergency papers in the glove compartment including (but not limited to) your insurance, AAA if ya got it, if you have medical issues, so on. It never hurts to over prepared.
#2 - Directions
There are two types of people - those that get somewhere eventually, and those that get where they intended to be with a guide (kind of a life parallel, really). If you know you're desired destination, get your GPS handy. Do you use a Garmin or your phone app? Every once in awhile I still like to go old school...#3 - the FOOD!
Snacks are a must on a long road trip. If you lean to more healthy items - grapes are my favorites. Unhealthy - all bets are off. When it's just me, I put some grapes and energy drinks in a cooler bag and have peanut butter crackers and single chip bags for snacks. If I stop - I have sandwich making material in the cooler to get all fancy with a tuna salad wrap or some equivalent.If you have kids - think of the portable containables. There are a lot of great ideas out there that even include using a small plastic tool box that has snacks on the top in the divider section (like carrots, goldfish, raisins, etc.) and activities in the bottom section. An all-in-one-kid-kit.
But the fun part is finding the small town diner and getting the special. The best biscuits since grandma can be found at Sara's Diner in Crystal River, Florida. Just sayin'.
#4 - The Playlist
No road trip is complete without a playlist! Spotify is a perfect solution if you have enough battery power to run your phone. Even better - upgrade to premium if you are taking a long trip to not avoid the commercials but be able to play your favorites OFFline! I have multiple lists that I love to play (here's my go-to to get started: My Makes Me Smile Playlist ). But I also like to listen to podcasts and SUCCESS magazine cds and audio books.#5 - The Company!!!!
Road Trips are pretty fun when I'm by myself. I can be an absolute fool and no one notices. I can scream, cry, laugh at myself, whatever. But it's even more fun when you have someone to invite into your crazy. It's the perfect time to get to really know someone - a confined space over a long period of time facing unbearable obstacles in traffic and seeing amazing magical sights to share memories forever. I've got a few friends that I've done road trips with and each one has been a totally different experience. I've loved each one tremendously!Consider taking a road trip. Connect with me and I'll help you navigate the details.
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